Meet jaime

Mother, daughter, partner, friend, feeler, thinker, healer, creator, dancer, teacher, student of life, and believer in magic!

Jaime has a way of finding the light in life. With a personality that is both serious and silly, Jaime flows between the veils of space and time, and dances through life grounded in intuition and love. 

She is a Mind-Body Energy Medicine Practitioner, a Sacred Ceremonialist, the founder of Tribaluminessence and Inner Resource, as well as the creator of Harmonic Motion. 

Deeply intuitive and highly expressive, Jaime delights in being invited to dance into your living room as your emotional alchemist, and is grateful for the opportunity to accompany you as you explore your embodied emotions and transform the leaden scraps in your life into golden nuggets! 

Jaime lives in St. Louis, MO with her two teenage boys, and is proud to call Salem, MA (“the witch city”) her hometown haunt.



Get to know me better…

  • Ahhh…the Universe acts in mysterious ways, Grasshopper…

    JourneyDance™ quite literally fell out of the sky and into my lap at just. the. right. moment.


    JourneyDance™ offers me the opportunity to make good on my promise to myself to keep dance and somatic exploration alive in my life, and even better to share it with like-minded movers and shakers like you! It offers me a community of breathtaking, heart-centered, open-minded, fun-loving, soul-searching seekers, and I’m delighted to grow and share that community with you by spreading the free-flowing feelings far and wide.

    I also became a JourneyDance™ Guide because dance is my native tongue. You see, for almost as many years as I’ve been alive, I’ve been a dancer. Immersed in ballet classes at the ripe old age of 4, I learned the language of dance before I mastered the finer points of English.

    I dance now because rhythmic movement is my soul speech. I dance because it frees me to express myself intuitively and instinctively. I dance because when I do my heart smiles and my spirit sings. I dance because my body begs me to…again and again and again, I dance.

    And I couldn’t be more thrilled to dance with you!

  • I was never able to choose “favorites” as a child....and I’m still not.

    There are so many magnificent songs to dance to, so many rhythms and beats, so many vibes, so many moods, so many lyrical melodies, so many divine vocals…and, I guess, it’s such a challenge for me to pick one because I love to move and be moved and to be danced by music in oh so many different ways…

    That said, if I were to pick one song at this moment now…(which is ephemeral, so ask me in another now and who knows?!)…if I were to pick at this moment now, I would share this song: Myth of the Cave by Deya Dova. The way it blends ancient, primal beats and hypnotic rhythms with angelic vocals and a soul-uplifting message takes me to deep introspective landscapes, while at the same time asks me to expand and express myself majestically.

    Let’s dance together to “weave a new myth into the Timelines”!

  • I love poetry.

    I love the poetry of the written and spoken word; the poetry of motion; the poetry of a sunset that inspires an inhale at the exhale of a long day. I love the poetry of flavor bursting in my mouth with the first bite into a chocolate truffle, and the poetry of a pansy growing up through a crooked crack in the sidewalk.

    I do my best to wax poetic one way or another every day.

    So, because poetry is an essential element in my life, I’d like to share this poem with you here and now:

    I sometimes forget
    that I was created for Joy.
    My mind is too busy.
    My Heart is too heavy
    for me to remember
    that I have been
    called to dance
    the Sacred dance of life.
    I was created to smile
    to Love
    to be lifted up
    and to lift others up.
    O’ Sacred One
    untangle my feet
    from all that ensnares.
    Free my soul.
    That we might
    and that our dancing
    might be contagious.

    — Hafiz

  • The body heals with play,
    The mind heals with laughter, and
    The spirit heals with joy.

  • When you say yes to JourneyDance™, you say yes to a deep, personal exploration of physical and emotional transformation. The transformation also happens collectively, because together we say yes and create a sacred space for breath, movement, imagination, ritual, and freestyle improvisational expression.

    I encourage you to say yes to JourneyDance™ because it is an ecstatic celebration of the human spirit. Plus, it’s fun!

    Oh, and…it’s magic!

"Everything in the universe has rhythm. Everything dances." — Maya Angelou


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